Looking to manage your kids' screen time effectively? With MoniMaster Pro, you can effortlessly track screen time for each app. The built-in dashboard provides detailed insights, including app names, screen time, usage frequency, and installation dates. Manage and even block apps to ensure a balanced screen time for your child.

Monitoring screen time is crucial for various reasons, including ensuring responsible device use by children, improving productivity in the workplace, and managing personal screen habits. Effective screen time tracking can help with parental control, employee productivity, and overall digital well-being.
Choose our reliable tool phone usage tracker to gain insights into app usage, screen time, and usage patterns.
How to Use the Screen Time Tracker
The Customer Response on the Utility of MoniMaster Screen Time Report
FAQs About Screen Time
1.Can I set limits on app usage with MoniMaster Pro?
Yes, MoniMaster Pro allows you to set screen time limits for individual apps. You can customize these limits based on your preferences to manage your child's or employee's device usage effectively.
2.How can I view historical screen time data?
3.Can the phone owner detect the tracking?